Friday, March 9, 2007

closing Romeo & Juliet

As you may notice, there hasn't been a post on this blog for a couple of weeks. The reason for this is that I get particularly busy during the actual show. Now that it's done, I can fill you in on how the show went. In the future, I hope to have all of this information and much more available on our official website, at, including photos and the programs of all past productions.

Our opening Friday performance, a reviewer for San Francisco Classical Voice and The Examiner attended. I've included a link to his review via SFCV:

Our lighting designer David Ransom was gracious enough to take pictures of the stage during our opening weekend. I will post a select few favourites of mine shortly, and hopefully post many more at a later date.

Coming up is our production of Lucia di Lammermoor in late May and early June. Another performance many of you may be interested in viewing is San Francisco Conservatory of Music's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream by Benjamin Britten. I believe their production is April 12-14 evenings and a matinee on April 15th.

Photos coming soon!